LONESYNC Domains = Edge DNS

.org Domain Name

Provides that tailored look of your brand across digital services.

ID & DDoS Protection

ID & Distributed Denial of Service protection baked-in by design.

Anycast DNS

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1-on-1 Advisor

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.org Domain

.org domain is a top-level domain (TLD) that is primarily used by non-profit organizations. It was one of the original TLDs established in 1985 and is managed by the Public Interest Registry (PIR). Commonly associated with organizations that have a non-commercial or non-profit mission, such as charities, educational institutions, and advocacy groups.

While the .org domain is primarily intended for non-profit organizations, it is not restricted. Any individual or entity can register a .org domain, regardless of their profit status. However, the PIR does have policies in place to ensure that the domain is used in a manner consistent with its intended purpose. Overall, the domain is a popular choice for organizations looking to establish their online presence and convey their commitment to a cause or mission.

LoneSync can help you find and manage your .org domain with personalized insight, for a tailored online digital presence.

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