LONESYNC Web Hosting

Inclusive Platform

Integrated for Creating, Testing, Deploying & Protecting.

Power WordPress & Apps

Flexible to power your WordPress and other Web Apps.

Easy to Spin up

Unified design making it easy to spin up your site or app.

Tailored Management

Aesthetically pleasing design for an inspiring experience.

LONESYNC Web Hosting

LONESYNC Web Hosting and Platform Dashboard

Integrated Dashboard

Customize and Spin-up Quick & Easily

Dedicated bandwidth and resources for your App(s).

Monitor stats of app and network in real-time.

DDoS Protection Network

Rebuild App/Site Anytime

Distributed Protection

Stop, Start and Reboot Services anytime.

View log history to see result of requests.

View Current Status of each Site/App and Details.

Easy auto-renew on monthly or yearly plan.

Easy to self-cancel any service within Dashboard.

Flexible to change plans up or down anytime.

Web Hosting Features

Control App Status

- Activate and Suspend.

- Disable Site/App Anytime.

LONE Web Hosting Dashboard Status

Clean App Install process and layout, select and setup.

- Sleek App install process.

- Easy to personalize settings.

LONE Web Hosting Dashboard App Install

View your app install and spin-up in real-time.

- Visual status as each step starts and completes.

- Easy to view progress.

LONE Web Hosting Dashboard WordPress Install

Integrated File Manager baked-in for easy editing and uploading.

- Visual file/code editor.

- Easy to view progress.

LONE Web Hosting Dashboard File Manager

WP Management Dashboard

- Quick Health Overview.

- Tools to tailor your WordPress.

LONE Web Hosting Dashboard WP Management

Backup or Restore your WordPress App any time.

- Get back to working copy and continue as you were.

- Removes all data and allows for selecting another restore point.

LONE Web Hosting Dashboard WP Backup and Restore

View Log History to see how each operation completed.

- Logs starts, stops...errors, firewall rules and more.

- Current and past history.

LONE Web Hosting Dashboard Log Viewer

LONESYNC Web Hosting FAQ's

Can I start with light plan and increase over time?

  • Yes – Flexibility is built-in by design, allowing for hosting to adapt with you.

Can I use my existing domain?

Yes – Any of your domains can be used at anytime.

Can a monthly plan be extended to Yearly later?

Yes – Monthly is ideal to get started and can be extended to a Yearly plan later as desired.

Is Hosting Insight available within Dashboard?

Yes – Within Dashboard use the Request option found on the left-side, here one can send in a request and communicate directly. Each request keeps a history of communication, so you can reference details in past requests as well.

Once a request is open, email replies are also available and will keep a history within dashboard.

Where is data stored and powered from?

Hosting service is built and powered within AWS Datacenter located in Calgary, AB - Canada. Storage is located here as well across 3 Availability Zones around the Calgary region.

For CDN(Content Delivery Network) - items such as static content is distributed globally to reduce latency through bringing content closer to the user.

Is Hosting monitored and protected for Abuse?

Yes – keeping your Hosting Studio and Network as a whole safe and reliable are key to providing quality services. Therefore, an account can be suspended if abusing network services. Keeping your site/app clean is critical to keeping service uninterrupted.

Is Hosting still billed when a site/app is disabled?

Yes – each still retains resources and therefore continues being billed.

Is there a Self Cancel option for each site/app?

Yes - each can be cancelled independently via the dashboard. Keep in mind that when cancelling, assure all data is backed up externally at another location. ALL DATA pertaining to chosen site/app will be removed upon Cancellation, including Backups and all configuration details.

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