Easy to Spin up
Integrated Dashboard
Customize and Spin-up Quick & Easily
Dedicated bandwidth and resources for your App(s).
Monitor stats of app and network in real-time.
DDoS Protection Network
Rebuild App/Site Anytime
Distributed Protection
Stop, Start and Reboot Services anytime.
View log history to see result of requests.
View Current Status of each Site/App and Details.
Easy auto-renew on monthly or yearly plan.
Easy to self-cancel any service within Dashboard.
Flexible to change plans up or down anytime.
Web Hosting Features
Web Hosting Plans
C$25/mon with yearly
1 vCPU / 0.5 GB RAM
LONESYNC Web Hosting FAQ's
Can I start with light plan and increase over time?
Can I use my existing domain?
Yes – Any of your domains can be used at anytime.
Can a monthly plan be extended to Yearly later?
Yes – Monthly is ideal to get started and can be extended to a Yearly plan later as desired.
Is Hosting Insight available within Dashboard?
Yes – Within Dashboard use the Request option found on the left-side, here one can send in a request and communicate directly. Each request keeps a history of communication, so you can reference details in past requests as well.
Once a request is open, email replies are also available and will keep a history within dashboard.
Where is data stored and powered from?
Hosting service is built and powered within AWS Datacenter located in Calgary, AB - Canada. Storage is located here as well across 3 Availability Zones around the Calgary region.
For CDN(Content Delivery Network) - items such as static content is distributed globally to reduce latency through bringing content closer to the user.
Is Hosting monitored and protected for Abuse?
Yes – keeping your Hosting Studio and Network as a whole safe and reliable are key to providing quality services. Therefore, an account can be suspended if abusing network services. Keeping your site/app clean is critical to keeping service uninterrupted.
Is Hosting still billed when a site/app is disabled?
Yes – each still retains resources and therefore continues being billed.
Is there a Self Cancel option for each site/app?
Yes - each can be cancelled independently via the dashboard. Keep in mind that when cancelling, assure all data is backed up externally at another location. ALL DATA pertaining to chosen site/app will be removed upon Cancellation, including Backups and all configuration details.